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There are some of the most revolting, underhanded assholes in this room, but none of them have ever taken me on. They know better. The purpose of this evening is to show them all who the top dog is, and never let them forget.
However, there will be one face here tonight that intrigues me ever so slightly. Miss Roderick, the woman who is throwing this party. A woman that I am yet to meet, but one that has been making waves in the underhand business that we all have dealings in. She seems to have come from nowhere, and I wonder how the fuck she has managed it. I’ve run these streets for the last five years, and it wasn’t until a couple of months ago that I heard her name mentioned.
I requested a meeting with her, but that was shot down. No one here knows what she looks like, and her reputation is up there with the best of them. I want to know how she rose to fame without so much as a hint to who the fuck she is.
I have gathered enough intel in here tonight to know that she runs rings around some of the major players. She seems to have a hold on each of them, getting them to do whatever the fuck she wants, and she does all this as a faceless woman.
I cannot comprehend how, but I’m going to have that question answered tonight. I can feel the ripple of excitement in the room at her impending arrival. Most of the men in here just want a glimpse of her, to see if they will able to get in her fucking pants and claim the woman that holds so much power. The others will just be waiting to size up their competition, me included. If this woman thinks that she is about to walk in here and take the top spot, then she is sadly fucking mistaken.
No one takes anything from me. Not ever. Period.
“Mr Valentine,” a waitress purrs at the side of me as she holds a tray filled with glasses of champagne.
I look at her with distaste. I have no interest in women that have their tits pushed up to their neck and their make-up on so thick that you would wake up next to a fucking stranger in the morning. No woman has ever come close to Paige. And I wouldn’t want them to.
I shake my head as an image of Paige forms in my mind. I don’t like to think about her. I know that I ruined her, and if I let myself think about that, then the rage that I have held inside of me all of these years would come out, and not even I want to think about what the result would be.
“Champagne, sir?” the waitress asks, her tone pissing me off with how sickly sweet it is.
“I’m good,” I reply. No please, no thank you.
Her face falls and she nods her head at me before scurrying away and finding the next asshole to try and hit on.
Women think this world is glamorous and glitzy. Fancy cars, designer clothes, diamonds around their necks, wrists or placed on their fingers. But they don’t see the shit that goes down on a daily basis. They have no idea what it takes to get your name to the top and for people to bow the fuck down to you. At least most women don’t. But the one that is about to make her entrance into this room clearly knows the deal. She clearly understands what this world entails, and she has used it to her advantage.
The doors open, and the crowd comes to a standstill. All eyes look towards the door. Not a sound to be heard over the clicking of her heels as she enters the room. Her head is bowed, a long, black lace dress with thigh high slits at each side adorns her body, fuck-me black shoes on her feet. I allow my eyes to roam up her body slowly.
I may not be interested in having a woman on my arm, but even I can appreciate the fact that her body is killer. Perfect sized breasts, womanly curves, and hips I could quite happily grab on to.
I imagine most men are fucking her in their minds already, and they haven’t even seen her face yet.
She manages to command attention without even doing anything. But when she starts to lift her head, she absolutely has my complete focus. I look at her lips first. Plump and a deep red. Next is her cheekbones, accentuating her face. And then I meet her eyes and my whole fucking world shifts.
Grey, stormy eyes that find mine straight away. Eyes that I looked into many times before as I fucked her, made love to her, told her how she had my heart. Eyes that show no fear, eyes that no longer look broken. Paige fucking Daniels. Miss Roderick. My kryptonite.
Chapter Three
There he stands.
Joey fucking Valentine, thirty-three years old and still the most handsome bastard I’ve ever laid my eyes on with his black hair perfectly styled, cut short but still long enough to be able to run your fingers through.
The man that broke my heart, and the one that will be fucking begging me for mercy in the near future.
I take no prisoners, and he’s going to wish that he had never fucking met me.
Rule number one of the underworld. Trust no one.
I know how respected he is here. I know how he reigns fucking supreme amongst all of the other criminals in this room.
But I also know that I am here to take his crown. To replace him as the top dog.
I’m not that far behind him as it is, and I have managed to take everything that I have by staying hidden.
He should be fucking scared, as should every other person in this room.
I’m not one to regret. My heart shows no compassion. I have nothing to lose. And that makes me the most dangerous of them all.
His ice blue eyes flicker with recognition for a second before it disappears and his guard slides into place. If I hadn’t known Joey before now, then I would never have noticed it, but whether he likes it or not, I know him better than he knows himself. I studied that motherfucker for years before he eradicated me from his life.
Friends first, lovers later.
And he will be the one screaming like a little bitch in the end.
I allow my eyes to roam around the room. Every person in here is staring at me. A small smile pulls at my lips.
Yes, fuckers. I’m here. This is me, and none of you are going to get in my goddamn way.
I hold my head high, chin tilted up as I start to address the room.
“Good evening, gentlemen,” I say before adding, “And ladies.” I nod to the three other women in this room. Each one of them nods back at me, their focus solely on me. Not many women make it in this world, so the ones that do already gain a little respect from me. That’s not to say that they have my trust, because not many do.
I notice that the men haven’t brought their significant others with them tonight. I know that every single one of them, apart from Joey, has a wife, and that the majority also have a mistress, or two, on the side. Fucking assholes.
“I know that you will all have been wondering who Miss Roderick is, and now, here I stand before you.” I hold my arms out at the sides, proud of the fucking warrior that I have become. A few murmurs break out, but the silence soon resumes as they all wait with baited breath for my next words.
“I came into this world with nothing.” I start hard, draw them in, make them think they have a way in with me, and then fucking cut them at the throat.
“Worked my way up from the gutter. You’ve heard the stories, and I can assure you that they are all real.” Make them think I have nothing to hide. Give them more than they bargained for.
“I called you all here tonight because I believe that you all deserve to know who you are dealing with. Money is why we are here. Business dealings that will push our names to the top of the chain.” My eyes flit to Joey’s, and I can see that his jaw is clenched, a sign that he is annoyed, feels threatened, and that he plans to tear apart the person making him feel this way. Good. Come at me, baby, and I’ll be sure to bite back just as fucking hard.
“But tonight is not about business.” A pause for effect. “Tonight is about you all seeing what I wanted you to. Me. Paige Roderick in the flesh.” I hold my hands out wide. Take a good fucking look, boys, because I am about to play you harder than anyone ever has.
I look to the nearest waitress and wave them over. They scurry to me quickly, keeping their head bowed, never making eye contact.
I take a glass of c
hampagne from their tray and raise the glass in the air. Everyone in the room follows me in raising theirs. Everyone except for Joey. I smirk.
“Tonight is about drinking and having a good time. Tomorrow is the time to play, gentlemen,” I finish with a wink at no one in particular as the men around me let out low laughter. I don’t address the ladies with my comment because they need to know I overpower them, no fucking questions asked. The fact that they have also raised their glasses and haven’t challenged me shows that they have heard about me. About what I do to those who ignore me and don’t follow orders.
I take a sip of the champagne and notice that Joey is still stood there, frozen on the spot, like a goddamn statue.
I like to think it’s because he is stunned, silenced and fucking seething. I can only hope that it is all three.
I’m ready for you, baby. Let the games begin.
Chapter Four
I’m a pro at schooling my reactions. I’ve had years of practice, and I have never been more grateful for that than I am right now.
Paige fucking Daniels, or Paige Roderick as she is now called, has completely shocked me, but I will never allow anyone to see that. Especially her.
She saunters her way over to me, looking every inch the fucking bitch that she has been portrayed to be. Long legs that stride towards me and eyes that sparkle with mischief. Damn. If I weren’t a cold-hearted bastard, I’d be claiming her in front of all these fuckers right here, right now. But I am cold-hearted. No warmth left. An everlasting reminder of my time in the underworld.
A time that was coming to an end, but Miss Roderick just changed the motherfucking game.
I’ve been planning my escape from this life for the last three years, and all she had to do was show her face for me to start thinking about how I don’t want to go anywhere. Fuck. Don’t be such a goddamn pussy, Valentine. This bitch doesn’t rule your heart. Not anymore.
“Mr Valentine,” Paige says as she stops in front of me, hands on her hips, feet apart, completely aware of all her surroundings.
“Miss Roderick,” I reply, my voice low. One of her eyebrow’s quirks up, and damn if it doesn’t make her look more fuckable than she did a second ago.
“Pleasure to meet you,” she says as she holds her hand out for me to shake. Not the usual protocol, but nothing she has done has been the norm. She stayed hidden for fuck’s sake, and that makes her more dangerous than most.
I look at her hand for a second before my eyes settle back on hers, and I can see the challenge there. Fucking game on.
Her hand moulds against mine, and fuck if the feel of her skin on mine after all of these years doesn’t make my dick twitch in my pants. I’m a ruthless motherfucker for sure, but I’m still a dude with a dick, and she’s previously had mine in her mouth, so I know how good that shit feels.
Her smirk has me pulling away before she can.
I am aware that others are watching our exchange. The alpha and the unknown. Valentine and Roderick. Two top dogs, but only one spot available.
I place my hands in my trousers pockets and stand tall. My right hand man, Raymond, is stood to the side of me, keeping watch, making sure no one gets close. But he didn’t stop her from walking over here, and maybe he should have. She’s a threat. Not to my position of power, but to me personally. A face I never thought that I would see again. A ghost that has come back to haunt me. The biggest threat that I have ever faced.
I mask my thoughts behind dead eyes. I refuse to let her see the effect she is having over me. She needs to remain at arm’s length. Never let her close. Never let her in. Never show her my hand. Let her think that she is running the game.
“I believe we have some business to discuss,” she says, her eyes never wavering.
“And what business might that be?”
She lets out a little chuckle as if she thinks that I am stupid. I am anything but.
“Come on, Mr Valentine, don’t play coy with me,” she starts, stepping closer, leaving an inch of space between us. “You know that unfinished business is always the best kind.” Her voice is low, almost a whisper, but her words hit me with force. Like a fucking blow to the chest. Unfinished business. Always messy. Always satisfying. Retribution in its best form.
Now it’s my turn to step forward, bend my head and place my lips by her ear.
“I never leave business unfinished, Paige.”
She moves her head back slightly, her nose almost touching mine.
“No? Then how come I’m stood in front of you, Mr Valentine? How come I walked in here and commanded this room like the fucking queen that I am?” she says, smugness lacing her tone. “I’m your unfinished business, Joey, and make no mistake, I never lose.”
She doesn’t wait for my response before turning her back on me and walking away. I watch as she holds her head high and marches through the men lining the room. Not one of them try to approach her. If she were a man, the lines would have been drawn, and he would have been challenged within seconds. But stick a high ranking woman in here and all the men turn into pussies.
Paige Roderick just put the challenge in place, and fuck if I’m not up for the shots to be fired.
Chapter Five
I walk over to Donovan who stands to the side of the room.
“Talk to me, Don,” I say as I stand in front of him, his face rigid, jaw tight. He’s a hunk of a man. Tall, dark green eyes, light brown hair shaved close to his head, broad shoulders and arms that rival that of a heavy weight boxer, not to mention buns of fucking steel.
He’s been with me the whole time. My right hand man, and the guy that helped drag me out of the gutter three years ago, yet I still wouldn’t trust him with my life. I trust him as much as I need to, and that’s as good as its going to get.
“Montell ain’t giving it up, Paige,” he says quietly, making sure no one around us can hear him.
“Motherfucker,” I say on a breath. “He say why?”
“Apparently he doesn’t have the cash,” Donovan says, his teeth clenched together in anger. I know that Donovan would take out anyone that I asked him to. Hell, he’s done it before now without me asking. All I need to do is give him the nod and the world will be rid of one more parasite, but I think I need to deal with Montell myself.
“No cash and the fact that he thinks dealing with a woman makes me a soft touch,” I say with a shake of my head. “Stupid, stupid man.”
“Couldn’t agree more, boss.”
“Don’t kiss my ass, Donovan,” I say as I glare at him. He may have my back, but I don’t need him to try and suck up to me. He’s proved his worth. “Where is he now?”
“At his digs with Bray and Tony,” Donovan informs me. Bray and Tony, two of the boys that do my dirty work so that I can keep my hands clean. Gone are the days of me needing to take care of business myself, but sometimes it can be fun. Gives me a thrill. Reminds me of how I got here.
“They got him covered?” I need to know what I’m going to be walking into.
“All alone, boss,” Donovan confirms.
“Well, I guess it’s time to leave the party,” I say, not at all bothered that I am leaving so early. I came here to do one thing, and that was to let Joey know that I’m no fucking pushover. Mission accomplished, and on to the next.
“You want me to call Miles and have him be at your place?” Donovan asks.
“No. Miles doesn’t need to know about this.” Miles is one of my drug runners. The main man who makes me the most money. The big daddy, supplying the low lives with all that they need. He usually accompanies me to see the ones that won’t pay up. But tonight I’ll allow him a breather. Just for tonight mind, tomorrow I’m going to be kicking his ass for supplying an asshole that claims he can’t pay.
“Make sure that Rome and Trevor are there though.” Two more of my boys.
“On it,” Donovan says as he whips his phone out of his pocket and sends messages to them both. I lead us out
of the room, ignoring the curious glances from the people I pass and not giving a fuck what they might be thinking.
I came here, made myself known, showed my face, and hopefully made Joey want to fall on his ass. Time will tell, but they would all be stupid to cross me.
I’m not a boss bitch for nothing.
“So, Montell. Tell me, what makes you think that you can take my merchandise and not pay?” I say as I enter the room and see that he is sat on a chair, arms tied behind him, feet tied to the chair legs. I nod to Bray for him to take the gag out of Montell’s mouth.
“I… I don’t have the money,” Montell says as the beads of sweat run down his face.
I let out a callous laugh. “Do you think that is a good enough excuse?” I say as I stand in front of him, arms by my sides, feet inches from his.
“I’m sorry, but it’s all I can say,” he replies. Fucking idiot. “I got kids, I got bills to pay, and my wife––”
“Ah, yes, the lovely Tonya,” I say before he can finish his sentence. His eyes go wide as if he didn’t expect me to know fuck all about him. I make it my business to know who I’m dealing with. “The wife that waits at home for you, worrying about whether you will make it through another day or if you might overdose and die a shitty death.”
Montell has the decency to look ashamed, hanging his head.
“The wife that has no idea about your dirty little trips to the strip club where you get your kicks,” I continue, and his eyes fly back up to mine. I smirk.
“Tell me, Montell. Do you think that because I am a woman that you can fucking side step me?” I say, my voice harder, my eyes burning into his.
“N… No, Miss.” Fucking stuttering. Weak-ass pussy.
“Do you think that you can get out of what is owed to me?”
“I just need a little more time––”
“You’ve had time,” I say, cutting him off. “In fact, you’ve had too much fucking time.” Something I will be talking to Miles about tomorrow.